Friday, October 8, 2010

Wilson Mountain

Once again we headed to the Red Rocks of Sedona in order to tame Wilson Mountain again. The scenery is always breathtaking and the rock formations are amazing. The Scouts hiked to the top in the dark, and we camped on the top of Wilson Mountain where we could see the lights of Sedona. Tanner and Josh entertained us with various nursery rhymes and Primary songs, which were all kind of jumbled together but highly amusing. And what an awesome, star filled sky we had to look at.

In the morning we headed back down, though this time we could see a lot more of the scenery in the daylight! We worked on finding and identifying animal sign as we hiked down the trail, and about halfway down the mountain, we encountered a black-tailed rattlesnake right next to the trail. It was acting pretty aggressive so we decided it would be best to serve it up breaded with sugar snap peas and cranberry juice. The snake was pretty good-sized, and totalled 55" in length.

Click the picture below for the full picture album of the trip.