Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Calendar Events

Coming up for the Red Riders:

October 16th - Combined activity. The Laurals are putting it on. Come to the church at 6:30pm.

October 23rd - We are making our patrol shirts at the Stines. We will meet there at 6pm. If you'd like me to drive you, meet at my house at 5:45 and I'll take you back there.

October 30th - TBA

November 9th - 10th - We'll be car camping. Please plan on doing your meal preperation for first class, tenderfoot, and cooking merit badge.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Golf Saturday

The Red Riders had a great time golfing on Saturday. Antelope Hills gave all of us complimentary rounds of golf. We are very grateful to them for doing that.

The following boys earned their golfing merit badge: